
Monday, March 8, 2010

The new Jessica...

Before I start here are a few thoughts...

Now not to discourage or critique anyone, fashion is great and I love it but we can’t let it overpower our lives. I’m sure most of us girls would rather have a new pair of shoes than buy items that we probably really need. Now in many circumstances or a couple f weeks ago I would say go for the shoes! But I am now learning that not everything in life worth having is material and yeah u buy a new pair of shoes which will be new for a day or two until you wear them and yeah it might be true that it can probably make you feel pretty but is this really what we want to be known for “Plastic brats who don’t know how to control their urges”. Personally I want to be known as the smart influential woman not a “fashionista” who never did anything important. My mother and father taught me something that has come to be of great help in my life and it goes like this “Everything has its place and time; don’t rush things or they will not come out the way their meant to” So with this in mind lets shop with limits and enjoy the days we’re given. Life is short lets enjoy it with our loved ones not with the shoes we love.

With this in mind let’s talk some fashion…

So, the highly criticized Jessica Simpson has become to be an amazing designer or at least I see it that way. She has without a doubt, become the classy powerful women girls can look up to. She started her very own collection which you can find on the following website. Now not only does her collection have shoes and dresses but it also includes swimwear, accessories to die for and the new luggage collection. She went from the hoochie momma to the classy women she now shows to be. I am personally in love with her shoes and clothes she knows exactly what women want to feel pretty and sexy with a touch of class. Her collection incorporates girly trends with classy work appropriate clothes. It’s wearable for any occasion. Her shoes are also very comfortable and classic which are rate to find in one pair of shoes. Also her complete collection is very affordable and accessible for any women. Without further ado here are a couple examples of what I mean…

& as i say be simple, be classy but most of all be unique!

Dayi <3

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