
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A small thought!

As time keeps advancing I learn more and more things. Today I got all down and droopy and like my world was crashing down for a simple thing that can be fixed. Why is is that human beings can't see over or through the storms. We must learn to delight in the little things and to not make little problems into big ones. I've realized in the past couple of days how many things bother me on a daily basis. I don't know why they bother me I just know they do. I whine and fight about them to then realize how stupid and insignificant those things are. So this is my new goal-don't worry about things you can change just change them and don't even thing of those you can't change what good would that bring. Say I love you and express my love to those who matter and simly let others be who they are and live how they choose to live. Because at the end the only thing that matter is Happiness and Love.

Today is the birthday of the love of my life. Happy Birthday my beloved, enjoy your day!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday afternoon...

Well Hello :)

Today has been everything but a good day. From getting to work late to having to deal with people who believe they're the last coke in the dessert (cuban saying in spanish) to other stuff I just wont rumble about. But im determined to make it into a positive day so here it goes :)

As must know we started class this week not so exciting news but it definitely means its one day less until I graduate :) Also since summer is officialy over (thanks to the beginning of classes) all we can do is hope next year gets here fast!

This semester I convinced myself that taking a saturday class will not be so bad. Im still thinking it over and I still havent gone to the first class, so I'll keep you posted on how it went.Im taking about five classes so my posting will not be too frequent but I'll try my best.

Well guys sorry nothing too excited happened today I will be making some changes to the blog (design) hopefully with my new mac... I still dont really know around it so bear with me for a couple of weeks till i find the tricks!

Well 'till soon

Bye Bye!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy to be Back!


Sorry for my lack of postings lately or better yet for the past 5 months. I've been a bit caught up with work and school etc.I've also found myself writing the whole post then reading it, not liking it and simply erasing it.So today no reading allowed for me sorry if something doesnt make sense. Here it is...

I've been on a so called diet for the past two weeks. Its supposed to be composed by lots of salads and vegetables. (Did I mention its not at all working)I think that thinking im on a diet gives me anxiety which makes me want to eat which as the final result is gaining weight instead of loosing it. A bit ironic might I add. Oh well so my mom makes me lunch on t & th for work and shes been giving me salad with tuna or boiled eggs for the past two weeks. I was so tired from it today that I decided to go on strike and not eat the salad.

She had sent me fried fish with the sald. I opened the freezer at work and all I could find was condensed milk. So without thinking it twice(exacly where I went wrong) I opened it and poured some on my fish.To my astonishment it wasn't half bad and surprisingly my stomach doesnt feel too bad.

To those who dont know me I have a need to eat something sweet with my food at all times no matter what im eating. Its just one of those thins you're born with. Anyways I dont really encourage the whole mix I made but I dont dissaprove either. Its good to take some risks from time to time. (my risk being going straight to the hospital with a stomach ache). Glad that didnt happen :)Well until next time arrivederci!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The new Jessica...

Before I start here are a few thoughts...

Now not to discourage or critique anyone, fashion is great and I love it but we can’t let it overpower our lives. I’m sure most of us girls would rather have a new pair of shoes than buy items that we probably really need. Now in many circumstances or a couple f weeks ago I would say go for the shoes! But I am now learning that not everything in life worth having is material and yeah u buy a new pair of shoes which will be new for a day or two until you wear them and yeah it might be true that it can probably make you feel pretty but is this really what we want to be known for “Plastic brats who don’t know how to control their urges”. Personally I want to be known as the smart influential woman not a “fashionista” who never did anything important. My mother and father taught me something that has come to be of great help in my life and it goes like this “Everything has its place and time; don’t rush things or they will not come out the way their meant to” So with this in mind lets shop with limits and enjoy the days we’re given. Life is short lets enjoy it with our loved ones not with the shoes we love.

With this in mind let’s talk some fashion…

So, the highly criticized Jessica Simpson has become to be an amazing designer or at least I see it that way. She has without a doubt, become the classy powerful women girls can look up to. She started her very own collection which you can find on the following website. Now not only does her collection have shoes and dresses but it also includes swimwear, accessories to die for and the new luggage collection. She went from the hoochie momma to the classy women she now shows to be. I am personally in love with her shoes and clothes she knows exactly what women want to feel pretty and sexy with a touch of class. Her collection incorporates girly trends with classy work appropriate clothes. It’s wearable for any occasion. Her shoes are also very comfortable and classic which are rate to find in one pair of shoes. Also her complete collection is very affordable and accessible for any women. Without further ado here are a couple examples of what I mean…

& as i say be simple, be classy but most of all be unique!

Dayi <3